Cablu USB Zebra CBA-U12-S07PAR
Cable – USB: Series A Connector, 7ft. (2.1m), Straight, Cable Used to Directly Charge the MT20X0 terminal
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Cable – USB: Series A Connector, 7ft. (2.1m), Straight, Cable Used to Directly Charge the MT20X0 terminal
Cable – Shielded USB: Power Plus Connector, 15ft. (4.6m), Straight
USB Cable – Shielded Power Plus 12VDC Powered from Host Connector, 9ft. (2.8m) Straight with EAS
Cable, USB, for DS3508-ER, LS3508-ER Scanners, Coiled, 12inch, sealed USB secured connector, VC70. Required when the DS3508-ER or LS3408-ER are connected via one of the USB ports for HID interface. NOT INTENDED FOR USE IN FREEZER ENVIRONMENTS
Tether to USB B for Active Sync with USB Cable – 7527
Cable – Shielded USB: Series A Connector, 7ft. (2.1m), Straight
MC45, ES400, and MPM100 Cable: USB SYNC and CHARGE
Cable – IBM: 468x/9x, 9ft. (2.8m) Coiled, Port 9B
MC21 USB Active Sync Cable, connects the mobile computer to a host computer USB port. Power Supply PWR-BUA5V16W0WW, DC Line Cord CBL-DC-383A1-01 and country specific 2-wire un-grounded AC Line Cord
Freezer pouch to use when using an extended battery with the WT4090 wearable terminal. Can be hip- or wrist-mounted wrist mounting requires straps, sold separately.
Cable – USB: Power Plus Connector, 9ft. (2.8m) Straight with EAS
Sub-total: 1.523,20 lei (inclusiv TVA)
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