Cablu de alimentare Zebra CBL-DC-385A1-01
DC Line Cord for running Omnii XT15 snap modulesand cradles from a single Level VI power supplyPWR-BGA12V50W0WW, Level VI replacement forST1050 and ST1050-AR
Accesorii care pot fi adăugate la cititoarele coduri bare, terminalele mobile, imprimantele sau echipamentele RFID pentru a le îmbunătății performanțele sau funcționalitățile. Exemple de accesorii includ suporturi pentru montarea dispozitivelor pe perete, suporturi pentru carduri sau piese de schimb pentru echipamente.
Afișez 11941 - 11952 din 13665 de rezultateSortat după popularitate
DC Line Cord for running Omnii XT15 snap modulesand cradles from a single Level VI power supplyPWR-BGA12V50W0WW, Level VI replacement forST1050 and ST1050-AR
Cable, external power supply to VC70 extender. 6.5inch, VC70. Required when the PWRS-9-60VDC-01R is not mounted on the back of the VC70.
MC9000, MC9190-G and MC9200 Auto Charge Cable – 24 Volts requires ADP9000-100R – ordered separately
MC40/MC95 DC inchYinch Cable. Required when charging the Single Slot Cradle and Single Slot Battery charger OR Two Single Slot Battery Chargers from one PWR-BGA12V50W0WW power supply. Requires DC Line Cord CBL-DC-388A1-01
VC5090 DC Power Cable with filter, 9inch
Cable: inchYinch power cable, for running both a CDR4000-4000ER and an SAC4000-4000CR off a single PWRS-14001-241R power supply.
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