Motoare de scanare decodificate Datalogic DSE0451-S
Decoded 2D scan module- RS232 interface with RJ45 Connector Board
Datalogic este un producător lider de soluții de scanare, automatizare și tehnologie mobilă. Produsele sale populare includ cititoare de coduri de bare, imprimante de coduri de bare, terminale mobile și echipamente RFID, care sunt folosite în mai multe industrii pentru a îmbunătăți procesele de afaceri și a reduce costurile.
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Decoded 2D scan module- RS232 interface with RJ45 Connector Board
Decoded 2D scan module- RS232 interface with RJ45 Connector Board and Remote scanner
Decoded 2D scan module- RS232 interface- Remote scanner
The DSE0451 DEMO allows developers and integrators to easily test and debug the DSE0451 Decoded Scan Engine. A trigger button is included along with an RJ-45 connector for host communication with a standard Datalogic RS-232 Cable.
Decoded 2D scan module- RS232 interface
Decoded 2D scan module- USB interface with Micro USB Connector Board and Remote scanner
Decoded 2D scan module- USB interface- Remote scanner
Decoded 2D scan module- USB interface with Micro USB Connector Board
The DSE0421 DEMO allows developers and integrators to easily test and debug the DSE0421 Decoded Scan Engine. A trigger button is included along with a µUSB connector for host communication with a standard µUSB Cable.
Decoded 2D scan module- USB interface
The Halogen™ DE2171-AF is a decoded scan engine capable of reading 1D and 2D barcodes from 15 cm to 20 meters (6 in to 65 ft). The DE2171-AF supports both USB and UART interfaces in a single model.
DE2171 DEMO is a dedoded demo/development kit allowing integrators a simple interface to a host computer. Includes micro-USB connector for USB & RJ-45 connector for RS-232. Includes USB (Type A) and RS-232 (DB-9) cables with a 5V Power Supply for RS-232
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