No more fear of losing sales because of long lines! The RFID-powered self-checkout enables an entire shopping cart or bag to be scanned in an instant. No more looking for barcodes or scanning items individually.
Înființată în Finlanda în 1986, suntem liderul european pentru soluții de urmărire și urmărire a articolelor de peste 30 de ani, deservind clienți din întreaga lume. Din 2021, Nordic ID face parte din BRADY Corporation. Explorați gama de cititoare RFID Nordic ID, antene, module de citire încorporate, software și accesorii de la AutoID
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No more fear of losing sales because of long lines! The RFID-powered self-checkout enables an entire shopping cart or bag to be scanned in an instant. No more looking for barcodes or scanning items individually.
No more fear of losing sales because of long lines! The RFID-powered self-checkout enables an entire shopping cart or bag to be scanned in an instant. No more looking for barcodes or scanning items individually.
No more fear of losing sales because of long lines! The RFID-powered self-checkout enables an entire shopping cart or bag to be scanned in an instant. No more looking for barcodes or scanning items individually.
By bringing elements of the online shopping to the brick and mortar, Nordic ID Infokiosk enables you to serve customers in a more flexible way. The Infokiosk is always on, ready to assist the customer when he/she needs additional product information. This touch table solution displays digital product-related content about the items that the customer picks out
By bringing elements of the online shopping to the brick and mortar, Nordic ID Infokiosk enables you to serve customers in a more flexible way. The Infokiosk is always on, ready to assist the customer when he/she needs additional product information. This touch table solution displays digital product-related content about the items that the customer picks out
By bringing elements of the online shopping to the brick and mortar, Nordic ID Infokiosk enables you to serve customers in a more flexible way. The Infokiosk is always on, ready to assist the customer when he/she needs additional product information. This touch table solution displays digital product-related content about the items that the customer picks out
The Nordic ID special antennas are designed to meet diverse requirements. Our UHF RFID antenna catalog is typically used in special single tag reading applications.
The Nordic ID special antennas are designed to meet diverse requirements. Our UHF RFID antenna catalog is typically used in special single tag reading applications.
The Nordic ID FA1515e is ideal for environments where size constraints need to be taken into account. Due to its unique radiation pattern this flat antenna can be mounted directly on surfaces, even metal surfaces, without compromising UHF RFID reading performance. These thin and formfitting antennas are typically used in commissioning and POS applications.
The flat design of the Nordic ID FA3030e is ideal for unobtrusive usage in retail environments. This flat antenna has an unique radiation pattern ensuring that the FA3030e can be mounted directly on surfaces, even metal surfaces, without compromising UHF RFID reading performance. These thin and formfitting antennas are typically used in smart shelves, smart cabinets, commissioning and POS applications.
The Nordic ID FA1515e is ideal for environments where size constraints need to be taken into account. Due to its unique radiation pattern this flat antenna can be mounted directly on surfaces, even metal surfaces, without compromising UHF RFID reading performance. These thin and formfitting antennas are typically used in commissioning and POS applications.
The flat design of the Nordic ID FA3030e is ideal for unobtrusive usage in retail environments. This flat antenna has an unique radiation pattern ensuring that the FA3030e can be mounted directly on surfaces, even metal surfaces, without compromising UHF RFID reading performance. These thin and formfitting antennas are typically used in smart shelves, smart cabinets, commissioning and POS applications.
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