Cablu auxiliar Zebra CBL-TC8X-AUDBJ-01
TC8X Audio adapter cable, compatible with 3.5mm wired headsets, recommended for PTT applications only.
Zebra Technologies este un producător lider de soluții de identificare automată, proiectat pentru a face mai ușoară colectarea și transformarea datelor în informații de afaceri. Produsele sale populare includ cititoare de coduri de bare, imprimante de coduri de bare, terminale mobile, echipamente wireless, cititoare fixe industriale de coduri de bare, echipamente RFID și software. Produsele Zebra sunt folosite în industriile retail, producție, transport și servicii pentru a îmbunătăți procesele de afaceri și a reduce costurile.
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TC8X Audio adapter cable, compatible with 3.5mm wired headsets, recommended for PTT applications only.
Unpowered Forklift Mount Kit. Allows installing the TC8000 on a forklift roll bar and using the device on landscape/portrait mode. Includes: Forklift Holder MNT-TC8X-FLCH-01, Clamp Mount 3PTY-PCLIP-215677 and 8inch Arm 3PTY-PCLIP-215886
TC8X Headset Adapter Cable. Suppports headsets with quick-disconnect connector and includes a Push-To-Talk button, compatible with RCH51 headset. Used for voice directed picking and Push-To-Talk applications
2-Way DC Cable. Provides connection of two TC8X 4Slot spare battery chargers SAC-TC8X-4SCHG-01 off a single power supply PWR-BGA12V108W0WW. Requires a country specific 3-wire AC Line Cord.
Un-powered Forklift Mount. Allows installing the TC8000 on a roll bar or square surface of a forklift and allows to use the device on landscape or portrait mode.
8 Pedestal Mount, includes 6 long rod with 90deg offset, two round bases each 1 height and wing nuts and bolts connections.
RAM 2.5 Round Ball Base. Compatible with TC8000 cart mount.
Forklift Clamp Mount. Affixes to the roll bar of a forklift. It accommodates square, round and flat posts and comes with a variety of screw sizes.
6 Pedestal Mount, includes 4 long rod with 90deg offset, two round bases each 1 height and wing nuts and bolts connections.
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